Sonntag, 30. Januar 2000

A very special lure

Ein Blinker aus den USA, den ich von einem Nachbarn geschenkt bekam. Definitiv ein Sammlerstück.

A very special spoon from the USA, which I got from a neighbor as present.

Samstag, 22. Januar 2000

Xzoga Taka Pi 7725 + 7730 Blank

Xzoga Taka Pi Blanks, which I built up:
7725 (rod name: 7708)
7730 (rod name: 7710) 
I am not an expert rod builder; guide sizing and placement might be better for you in another way. 

7725 (custom) Fuji MNSG 40,25,20,16,16 +16  -  1,25/2,5/5 kg

7730 (custom) - 10 kg

 Personally I pushed the 7725 to ~13,x kg drag (Saragosa 18000 F, max. drag with additional carbon washer and cals drag grease).

7730 (custom) Fuji MNSG 40,30,25,20,16,16 +16  -  1,25/2,5/5 kg

Thick wall of the 7730 (on the right), with a Ripplefisher GT 79H (left)

Left to right: Xzoga Taka Pi 7730 and 7725, Expert Graphite 7'10"

Liftingtest / loadtest / deadlift/ action / aktion / rodaction

Bushido Jigging Blank BVJ58500

 BVJ58500 unten gekürzt (shortend at the butt end) ~7cm/~3 inch
7,5 kg

10 kg

Expert Graphite Ares PE 4-8

Expert Graphite Ares PE 4-8
Liftingtest / loadtest / deadlift 

5 kg

1 kg

10 kg

Expert Graphite 5'9" Jigging Blank

Expert Graphite 5'9" Blank
EG59010103 (PE 1-3) und EG59010204 (PE 2-4)

EG59010103 - 2,5 und 1,25 kg

EG59010204 - 2,5 und 1,25 kg

Freitag, 21. Januar 2000

Tackle House Int + Flitz

internal wire / through wired

Tackle House Flitz (unrigged)
75: 68g
42: 34g
24: 22g

Tackle House Int. (unrigged)
45: 43g
30: 29g

(Int. 30, 45; Flitz 75, 42, 24, 75)

Cheap shore/speed Jigs

1. Shore Jigs from China bought at aliexpress

2. Cheap vertical jigs from (a) Hart and (b) JamesCook


1. aliexpress

(Shore) Jigs from China bought at aliexpress (unpainted) and Major Craft Jigpara jigs (painted) (normal/regular, semilong, short)

Chinese jigs (rear and front side)

Chinese jigs (left) and Major Craft (right)

Chinese jigs (left, unpainted) and Major Craft (right, painted)

Short, regular/normal and semilong

They have painted jigs, too. I bought them in silver.

2.a) Hart

Akula, Touch, xl Blade and Weepy. The Touch was advertised as for "slow pitch jigging" and the other 3 types for "jigging". The Akula looks similar to the River2Sea / R2S Spike. I paid 7-9 Euro for the 90-200g sizes.

Hart Akula, Touch, xl Blade and Weepy

River2Sea Spike & Hart Akula










2.b) James Cook

The german tackle shop chain Bode has JamesCook jigs in different varities. The High Deep looks similar to the Williamson Benthos. I paid ~4-5 Euro for the 100-200g sizes and caught some Amberjacks and Blackfin Trevally with them. The hooks are trash.

Williamson Benthos and James Cook High deep

GT popper, stickbaits & topwater

Comparison photo of different poppers:

Ballista Bull 120 & 160

Heru Cubera 125 & 150

Heru Skipjack 90 - 180

3x Heru Skipjack 150 (150,150,153g (left to right)) 

Blaze garage saththa 150 & sraththa 180 with the Skipjack & Cubera 150 (white).
Ballista Bull 120&160, Sraththa 180&150, Cubera 125&150&180

Maria Popqueen 200 / 100g vs Heru Skipjack 90 & 120
Fast sinking stickbaits (and a Shibuki for reference); Black Hole NS Calypso 80g, 110g, BlueBlue Gachisla 180HS, 230HS, FCL HJ200, Nomad Madscad 180 deep, old Sebile Stickshadd 180 FS, Shibuki 186

Fast sinking stickbaits (and a Shibuki for reference); Black Hole NS Calypso 80g, 110g, BlueBlue Gachisla 180HS, 230HS, FCL HJ200, Nomad Madscad 180 deep, old Sebile Stickshadd 180 FS, Shibuki 186
Halco Max 110, 130, 190, 220
Halco Max 110, 130, 190, 220

Halco Max 110, 130, 190, 220


Floating stickbaits:
Maria loaded 180, 80g 
Rapido 230, 100g
Shimano Head Dip 200f, 142g
Ocea 220 F, 122g
Nambas 154g
Nambas 170g
Crazy Dog 140g
Crazy Dog 84g

Some of them came with split rings, others not.

Roberts Ranger:
Big Shot 4 oz
Ranger 3 oz
Ranger 2 1/4 oz
Whistler 2 1/4 oz
Bounder 1 3/4 oz

Donnerstag, 20. Januar 2000

Casting jigs & jigminnows


As a saltwater greenhorn, who has to buy his stuff online because I rarely come across well assorted shops, I really like pictures to compare different lure models and sizes, to have a better understanding of what I get.

Left top:


Maria rerise 130, 70g

Duo (pressbait HD, int 45, 2x wedge, malice 130)

duo casting jigs, drag metal force 80,100,120,150g

shout jigs, stay, 80,100,130g

right top:

Tackle House Flitz 24, 42, 75g

Salmo Slider 7 

Spöket 28 und 18g

Hart Glaze in 80 und 40g

major craft jigpara 60g

halco outcast in 40,60, 80g  

Halco (Twisty, wedge?, streaker), 30-70g

Saragosa SW/SW-A & Spheros SW-A

Saragosa SW-A 18000 HG with 25000 spool
18000 HG ~920g
25000 ~955g

Saragosa SW 25000 (old model)
Vs Fin Nor Offshore (OFS) 9500

400m Jerry Brown solid 80 lbs, spooled from the Fin Nor to the Saragosa. The Fin Nor was spooled in a shop and I think I spooled it with more pressure. Finally I guess that the Sargosa has maybe <10% more capacity.

Saragosa 25000 SW vs Saragosa 18000 F
1070g vs 854g (with line)
Spool diameter:
25000 SW ~83mm
20000 SW ~76mm
18000 F ~72mm

According to a seller on aliexpress:
Daiwa BG 8000 80mm
Daiwa BG 6500 73mm
Daiwa BG 5000 67mm

20000 SW vs 25000 SW

Spheros SW-A 14000 xg 678g (without line)
Saragosa F 18000 860g (with line)
Saragosa SW 20000 1035g (with line)


SW 20000: 240m JB hollow 100 lbs

SW-A 18000 HG: 240m JB hollow 100 lbs

SW-A 18000 HG: 375m WFT 51 kg

SW-A 25000: 350m Tasline x8 100 lbs

Spheros SW-A 10000 PG and 14000 xg
(I never fished them as I sold them to switch to the Saragosa SW-A 14k)

Daiwa J-Braid Grand x8:
10k: 370m, 0.28mm, 58 lbs
14k: 270m, 0.35mm, 78 lbs